Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Last summer

It's never been easy for us to conceive children. With our son, Caleb, (the peanut in the middle) it took us about 2 years. He is going to be 3 in two weeks now and we started "trying" to give him a sibling in January of '07. After a few months, and no results (so to speak) my doctor suggested this watch that can help you predict your most fertile days of the month. (I'm REALLY sorry for any guys who happen to be reading this...it IS part of the story, though) I was just barely within the parameters of being able to use it cycle length wise, so we bought it.

I suppose I should stop here and tell you that after our journey to have Caleb, both my husband Steven and I knew that we have been called of God to adopt. We just didn't know when or what it would look like. Now back to last summer.

The first month we had the watch, that "parameter" I mentioned before no longer fit within its acuracy standards...and it never has since then. In other words, while we were trying our BEST to concieve our way, God was working out His plan the way only He can and always does. You see, I'm a bit of a control freak. I want to do things the way I want to do them whenever possible. My heavenly Father knows this trait of mine very well and often does things like this the remind me that He is in control, not me, and when things are not working out the way I thought they would (read should), it is most often because I am not seeking His will in the matter, only my own. So, we began talking and praying about adoption, and oh boy did He show me alot.

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